Looking for Guidance on Using AI in Small Businesses

Hello Everyone :hugs:,

As a small company owner, I’m looking into methods to use intelligent technology (AI) in my business to boost productivity and spur expansion. I’ve been studying about the potential advantages of artificial intelligence (AI), including its ability to automate repetitive operations, enhance customer support, and yield insightful data through data analysis. But my knowledge of how to use AI practically in a tiny company context is still developing.

I am hoping that this knowledgable group can assist me with a few particular questions:

Finding Use Cases for AI: What are some real-world instances of artificial intelligence that have worked well for small businesses? :thinking: I have a special interest in things like inventory management, marketing, and customer service.

Selecting the Appropriate Instruments: AI platforms and technologies are widely available. How can I decide which ones are most appropriate for my needs as a business? :thinking: Are there any affordable options that even a person with minimal technical knowledge could easily implement? :thinking:

Implementation Strategy: What actions should I take to guarantee that AI is implemented in my company smoothly? :thinking: Are there any typical traps I should watch out for, and if so, how could I avoid them? :thinking:

Calculating ROI: What are the best ways to assess the ROI of artificial intelligence (AI) initiatives? :thinking: Which key indicators of success (KPIs) should I concentrate on in order to evaluate AI’s efficacy for my company? :thinking:

Skill Development: What abilities should my team and I acquire as business owners in order to use and handle AI technologies effectively? :thinking: Exist any endorsed materials or courses that can assist us in catching up? :thinking:

I also checked this :point_right: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/business-insights-ideas/resources/how-ai-help-small-business-power-bi but didn’t get clarification on that.

Thank you :pray: in advance for your help and support.