Possible to obtain raw data of original images?

Hi Organizers, if it possible for you to upload the original images as shown in the picture below. Currently the dataset only contains patches and their order - leaving black rectangular areas around the images missing when the original image is reconstructed.

Hello @apoorvasheera98

To complete the task, the original images are not required. We are only requesting the assembly of the provided patches, without the need for reconstructing the original image.

Kind regards,
Onward Team

I understand that, however my team’s approach is based on generating new training data to make our model performance better - hence we might need the original images to create better data

Hi @apoorvasheera98

If you would like additional data with original images, we strongly recommend signing up for the Patch the Planet and Reflection Connection challenges and using that data to build additional training patches

Kind regards,
Onward Team