Use external data from previous challenge

Can I use external data from previous challenge (seismic segmentation) for this challenge?


Hi @ramdhan_aw

We definitely encourage using additional data for this challenge. We have some ideas on using pretrained models and the Patch the Planet Challenge as bonus training data for this challenge.

Happy training

Onward Team

how about external data from public opensouce data (not from thinkonward previous challenges)?
I suppose opensouce foundation model (i.e. large scale seismic/non-seismic pretrain models) and clip models (joint text-image embedding) are allowed?

e.g. we generate descriptive text and we will use both image and generated text as input to our model.

if i follow the imagenet history, top “freeform/one-shot/zero-shot classifier” for imagenet are clip model

Hi @hengcherkeng235

You are welcome to use public open source datasets. If you decide to do so and if you are eligible for final submission - please include the code for downloading, restructuring and preprocessing the data in your submission notebook.

You can also use any open-source model in your solution.

Onward Team