Who can help me to understand the best solution?

I have some questions. For example, I can’t understand the scoring function clearly yet. According to scoring function in starter notebook, the best solution of this project is party costs array that the sum is optimal total cost(i.e optimal_cost in starter notebook is 6) and have to be equaled the ground truth party costs.
So my question is why the costs’ sum equals optimal cost.
Thank you to pay attention.

Hi @chris.chan920204

Scrooge is looking to find the best (least-costly) 4-hr time block to throw his party. He also wants to know how much in total his party will add to his electricity bill. That is why the objective function is designed as a combination of the RMSE of total party cost and sixteen15min-interval party costs. By designing the objective function in this way, you will need to accurately forecast the load, and hence the price, as well as to optimize for the best time of the party given your accurate forecasted load/price.
Hope this explanation helps.

Best of luck in your forecasting!
Onward Team